Prayer Time

As much as we might hate to admit it, God doesn’t need or want us to tell Him what He should do. His plan and timing is always perfect. Yes, it is true that He wants to hear from us, but what brings Him happiness is our devotion to His plan and His timing. That means when we pray, we’re creating an open line of communication with God that serves as a dialogue. But it also means that not only are we speaking, but we must also take the time to listen. Here’s what’s also great about prayer…we can pray anytime, anywhere! What a huge blessing to know that we can talk to God at any moment in our lives… during the good times and the bad. Prayer has no formal rules so just pray. Because just a simple talk with your best friend sometimes is all you need! He’s there for you, He’s listening, AND He’s ready to help you and answer your request.

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